
  • A1 (elementary level) – Achieving this level will allow you to communicate easily across a limited range of situations. It requires 100 -120 hours of training to achieve this level. Amount of vocabulary: 750 words.
    You have 70 tasks. Please choose the right answer to each task. In order to pass the test successfully you need to get 75 % of the tasks correct. Working time: 40 minutes. Unfortunately, it is not possible to come back and correct the answers. After completing the test the computer will calculate your percentage result and you’ll see which answers you got right and wrong.
  • A2 (basic level) – Approximately 180- 200 hours of study is normally required to achieve a basic level. To obtain Russian citizenship, permission for temporary employment and residence, you must pass the exam in Russian language proficiency at basic level or above. Amount of vocabulary: 1300 words.
    You have 100 tasks. Please choose the right answer to each task. In order to pass the test successfully you need to get 75 % of the tasks correct. Working time: 50 minutes. Unfortunately, it is not possible to come back and correct the answers. After completing the test the computer will calculate your percentage result and you’ll see which answers you got right and wrong
  • B1 (First Certificate, intermediate level) – To achieve this level of fluency from zero requires a total of 440 – 460 hours of training. Obtaining the First Certificate is a requirement for admission to higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation. This Certificate also demonstrates the student’s ability to carry out certain types of professional activities where the working language is Russian. Amount of vocabulary: 2300 words.
    You have 165 tasks. Please choose the right answer to each task. In order to pass the test successfully you need to get 75 % of the tasks correct. Working time: 60 minutes. Unfortunately, it is not possible to come back and correct the answers. After completing the test the computer will calculate your percentage result and you’ll see which answers you got right and wrong.
  • B2 (Second Certificate, upper-intermediate level) – Successfully achieving the Second Certificate indicates a fairly high level of fluency in all areas of communication. This level demonstrates the ability to work professionally in Russian in specialist humanities, engineering, natural sciences areas. To achieve a level of proficiency required to pass the Second Certificate would need 380 – 720 hours. Amount of Vocabulary: 10 000 words.
    You have 150 tasks. Please choose the right answer to each task. In order to pass the test successfully you need to get 66 % of the tasks correct. Working time: 90 minutes. Unfortunately, it is not possible to come back and correct the answers. After completing the test the computer will calculate your percentage result and you’ll see which answers you got right and wrong.